Karachi Halwa/Bombay Halwa

Karachi Halwa, also known as Bombay Halwa, is a traditional Indian sweet made from corn flour, sugar, ghee, and flavored with cardamom. It’s characterized by its chewy, jelly-like texture and often adorned with chopped nuts. This delightful treat is beloved for its rich sweetness and is popularly enjoyed as a dessert or festive indulgence.

Here’s a detailed recipe to make Karachi Halwa at home:


  • 1 cup corn flour
  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 3 ½ cups water
  • ½ cup ghee or clarified butter
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A handful of chopped nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios) for garnish
  • Food color (optional)


  1. Prepare the Pan and Ingredients:
    • Grease a square or rectangular pan with a little ghee and keep it aside.
    • Chop the nuts and keep them ready for garnishing the halwa.
  2. Mix Corn Flour and Water:
    • In a bowl, mix the corn flour with 2 cups of water, ensuring there are no lumps. Set it aside.
  3. Prepare Sugar Syrup:
    • In a separate deep pan or saucepan, combine the remaining 1 ½ cups of water and sugar. Stir and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
    • Let the sugar syrup boil until it reaches a one-string consistency. To test this, take a small amount of syrup between your thumb and forefinger. It should form a single thread when separated.
  4. Combine Corn Flour Mixture with Sugar Syrup:
    • Once the sugar syrup reaches the desired consistency, reduce the heat to low and slowly pour in the corn flour mixture while stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  5. Cook the Halwa:
    • Keep stirring the mixture on low heat. Add ghee gradually, stirring continuously to incorporate it well into the mixture.
    • As it thickens, the mixture will start to leave the sides of the pan and turn glossy. This process may take around 15-20 minutes.
  6. Add Flavorings:
    • Once the mixture thickens, add cardamom powder and mix well. If you wish to add food color for a vibrant look, you can add a few drops at this stage and mix thoroughly.
  7. Transfer to the Pan:
    • Once the halwa attains a thick, jelly-like consistency and starts leaving the edges of the pan, turn off the heat.
    • Immediately pour the hot mixture into the greased pan and spread it evenly using a spatula.
  8. Garnish and Cool:
    • Sprinkle the chopped nuts over the surface of the halwa and gently press them down.
    • Allow the Karachi Halwa to cool down completely at room temperature. Once it cools, you can cut it into desired shapes—squares or diamonds.
  9. Serve or Store:
    • Serve the delicious Karachi Halwa as a dessert or snack. You can store it in an airtight container at room temperature for several days.

Enjoy the delightful sweetness and chewy texture of homemade Karachi Halwa!