Paal Cake

“Paal Cake” is a traditional Indian dessert, particularly popular in South India. Also known as “Milk Cake,” it’s a sweet confection made primarily from milk, sugar, and sometimes flavored with cardamom or saffron. Here’s a simple recipe to make Paal Cake:


  • 1 liter full-fat milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A pinch of saffron strands (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)
  • Nuts (like almonds, cashews) for garnishing (optional)


  1. Boiling Milk: Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed pan and bring it to a boil over medium heat. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and burning. Once the milk comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer.
  2. Reducing Milk: Allow the milk to simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Continue cooking until the milk reduces to about half of its original volume. This process can take around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Adding Sugar and Flavoring: Once the milk has reduced, add sugar to it and mix well until it dissolves completely. Also, add cardamom powder and saffron strands (if using) for flavor. Continue cooking for another 5-10 minutes until the mixture thickens further.
  4. Greasing the Pan: Grease a square or rectangular cake pan with ghee to prevent sticking.
  5. Pouring the Mixture: Pour the thickened milk mixture into the greased pan and spread it evenly using a spatula. Tap the pan gently on the countertop to remove any air bubbles.
  6. Garnishing (Optional): If desired, garnish the top of the milk cake with chopped nuts like almonds or cashews. Press them gently into the surface of the mixture.
  7. Cooling and Setting: Allow the Paal Cake to cool down to room temperature. Then, refrigerate it for a few hours or overnight to set completely.
  8. Cutting and Serving: Once set, remove the Paal Cake from the refrigerator and cut it into desired shapes, such as squares or diamonds. Serve chilled as a delightful dessert.

Paal Cake is a creamy and rich dessert with a lovely milky flavor, perfect for serving on special occasions or as a sweet treat after a meal. Enjoy!