Kulukki Sharbat

Kulukki Sharbat is a refreshing and tangy drink originating from Kerala, India. Its name, “kulukki,” means “shaken” in Malayalam, reflecting its preparation method. This invigorating beverage combines freshly squeezed lemon juice, sugar, water, and ice, shaken vigorously with mint leaves and optional sliced green chilies. The result is a frothy, sweet-and-sour concoction that’s perfect for beating the heat on hot summer days. Garnished with mint leaves and lemon slices, Kulukki Sharbat offers a delightful burst of flavors, making it a popular choice among locals and visitors alike.

Here’s a detailed recipe for making Kulukki Sharbat:


  • 2 medium-sized lemons
  • 4-5 tablespoons of sugar (adjust according to taste)
  • 1 cup of cold water
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 1-2 green chilies, sliced (optional)
  • Additional mint leaves and lemon slices for garnish (optional)


  1. Begin by juicing the lemons. You can use a manual juicer or a citrus juicer to extract the juice. Make sure to remove any seeds from the lemon juice.
  2. In a shaker or a jar with a tight-fitting lid, add the lemon juice.
  3. Add the sugar to the lemon juice. Adjust the amount of sugar according to your preference for sweetness.
  4. Now, add the cold water to the shaker or jar.
  5. If you’re using sliced green chilies for an extra kick, add them to the shaker.
  6. Next, add the ice cubes to the shaker. The ice will help chill the drink and create a frothy texture when shaken.
  7. Tear the mint leaves into smaller pieces and add them to the shaker. Mint leaves will add a refreshing flavor to the sharbat.
  8. Close the lid of the shaker tightly and shake vigorously for about 1-2 minutes. Make sure all the ingredients are well mixed and frothy.
  9. Once shaken, strain the kulukki sharbat into serving glasses using a fine mesh strainer to remove any large pieces of mint leaves or chilies.
  10. Garnish each glass with a sprig of mint leaves and a slice of lemon if desired.
  11. Serve immediately while it’s chilled and enjoy the refreshing taste of Kulukki Sharbat!

Note: You can adjust the ingredients according to your taste preferences. Some people prefer more or less sugar, while others may like to adjust the amount of mint or add more green chilies for extra spice. Feel free to customize the recipe to suit your taste!