Gajar ki Kanji

“Gajar ki Kanji” is a traditional North Indian fermented drink made primarily from carrots. It’s known for its tangy and spicy flavor profile. Here’s a basic recipe along with the ingredients and their Kanji representations:

Gajar ki Kanji (गाजर की कांजी)


  • Carrots (गाजर): 4 medium-sized
  • Water: 8 cups
  • Black mustard seeds (राई): 1 tablespoon
  • Red chili powder (लाल मिर्च पाउडर): 1 teaspoon
  • Salt (नमक): To taste
  • Asafoetida (हींग): A pinch
  • Turmeric powder (हल्दी पाउडर): A pinch


  1. Prepare Carrots:
    • Wash and peel the carrots.
    • Cut them into thin, round slices or julienne strips.
  2. Prepare Brine:
    • In a large glass or ceramic jar, add water.
    • Stir in salt until it dissolves completely.
  3. Add Spices:
    • Add black mustard seeds, red chili powder, asafoetida, and turmeric powder to the brine. Mix well.
  4. Combine Carrots:
    • Add the sliced or julienned carrots to the spiced brine in the jar.
  5. Fermentation:
    • Cover the jar with a clean cloth or lid (loosely closed).
    • Place the jar in a warm and dry place, away from direct sunlight, for about 3 to 4 days. This allows the mixture to ferment. Stir the mixture once a day.
  6. Check for Fermentation:
    • After 3 to 4 days, taste the kanji. It should have a tangy and slightly sour flavor.
    • If the desired tanginess is achieved, transfer the jar to the refrigerator to halt further fermentation.
  7. Serve:
    • Gajar ki Kanji is typically served chilled.
    • You can strain out the carrots before serving or serve it with the carrots for added texture.

Enjoy your homemade Gajar ki Kanji as a refreshing and probiotic-rich beverage!

(Note: Adjust the spice levels according to your taste preferences. Traditionally, Gajar ki Kanji is quite tangy and spicy.)