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Litti Chokha

Litti Chokha is a traditional dish from Bihar, India, consisting of two main components: Litti and Chokha. Litti is made from whole wheat flour stuffed with a spicy mixture of roasted chickpea flour (sattu), herbs, and spices, then baked until golden brown. Chokha is a side dish made from roasted and mashed vegetables, typically including …

Litti Chokha

Litti Chokha is a traditional dish from Bihar, India, consisting of roasted wheat flour balls stuffed with a flavorful mix of roasted gram flour (sattu) and spices (litti). It’s served with a spicy and smoky mashed vegetable mix made from roasted tomatoes, eggplant, onions, and spices (chokha). This rustic dish offers a delightful combination of …