Showing 2 Result(s)

Khatta Moong

Gujarati Khatta Moong is a zesty and comforting dish featuring split yellow moong dal cooked with a blend of spices, tamarind, and a touch of sweetness from jaggery or sugar. The dish is prepared by tempering mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and aromatics like green chilies and ginger. Simmered with tomatoes and seasoned with tamarind paste, …

Tamatar ki Chutney

Tamatar ki chutney, or Tomato Chutney, is a tangy and flavorful condiment made from tomatoes and spices. It pairs wonderfully with various Indian dishes and can elevate the taste of simple meals. Here’s a detailed recipe to make Tamatar ki Chutney at home: Ingredients: Instructions: Serve this delicious Tamatar ki Chutney as a side with …