Sweet Lassi

Sweet lassi is a popular and refreshing Indian beverage made from yogurt, water, and sugar. It has a creamy texture and a mildly sweet flavor, often enhanced with hints of cardamom. Served chilled with ice cubes, sweet lassi is a soothing and satisfying drink, perfect for cooling down on hot days or complementing spicy meals. Garnished with saffron strands, chopped nuts, or fresh mint leaves, sweet lassi is a delightful blend of sweet, tangy, and creamy notes that appeals to both adults and children alike.

Here’s a detailed recipe for Sweet Lassi:

Sweet Lassi Recipe


  • Yogurt: 1 cup (plain, unsweetened)
  • Chilled Water: 1/2 cup
  • Sugar: 2-3 tablespoons (adjust according to taste)
  • Ice cubes: As needed
  • Cardamom Powder: 1/4 teaspoon (optional)
  • Saffron Strands: A few (optional, for garnish)
  • Chopped Pistachios or Almonds: For garnish (optional)
  • Fresh Mint Leaves: For garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare Ingredients:
    • Ensure that your yogurt is plain and unsweetened.
    • Chill the water and yogurt before using.
  2. Blend:
    • In a blender, add the chilled yogurt, chilled water, and sugar.
    • Optionally, add cardamom powder for additional flavor.
    • Blend until the mixture becomes smooth and frothy.
  3. Adjust Consistency:
    • If the lassi is too thick, you can add more chilled water and blend again until you reach your desired consistency.
  4. Serve:
    • Pour the sweet lassi into glasses.
    • Add ice cubes if desired to keep it chilled.
  5. Garnish:
    • Optionally, garnish the lassi with saffron strands for aroma and color.
    • You can also sprinkle chopped pistachios or almonds on top for added texture and flavor.
    • Fresh mint leaves can be used as a garnish for a refreshing touch.
  6. Serve Cold:
    • Serve the sweet lassi immediately while it’s chilled and refreshing.
  7. Enjoy:
    • Stir the lassi before drinking to mix any settled ingredients.
    • Enjoy the creamy and sweet flavor of this traditional Indian beverage!

Sweet lassi is a perfect drink to enjoy on a hot day or to complement a spicy meal. Adjust the sweetness according to your preference and relish its delightful taste!