Ukadiche Modak

Ukadiche Modak is a traditional Indian sweet dumpling, particularly popular in the state of Maharashtra, especially during the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. These dumplings are made from rice flour dough, filled with a mixture of jaggery or sugar, grated coconut, and sometimes flavored with cardamom or saffron. The dumplings are shaped by hand into a distinctive cone-like structure and then steamed. They are often served with a drizzle of ghee (clarified butter) and can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature. Ukadiche Modak is revered as a favorite offering to Lord Ganesha, symbolizing love, devotion, and the sweetness of life.

Here’s a detailed recipe to make these delicious, steamed dumplings filled with a sweet coconut and jaggery mixture:


For the outer covering:

  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ghee or oil

For the filling:

  • 2 cups grated fresh coconut
  • 1 1/2 cups grated jaggery (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1 teaspoon ghee


For the outer covering:

  1. Prepare the dough:
    • Boil water in a pan with salt and ghee/oil.
    • Once it reaches a rolling boil, reduce the heat to low and add rice flour gradually while stirring continuously.
    • Mix well to avoid lumps and cook the mixture for a few minutes until it comes together to form a dough.
    • Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, and let it rest for about 5-10 minutes until it’s cool enough to handle.
  2. Knead the dough:
    • Once the dough is cool, knead it into a smooth and soft dough. Add a few drops of water if needed to get the right consistency.
    • Cover the dough with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out while making the modaks.

For the filling:

  1. Prepare the filling:
    • Heat ghee in a pan on medium heat. Add grated coconut and roast it for a couple of minutes until it turns slightly golden and aromatic.
    • Add grated jaggery to the roasted coconut and mix well. Cook this mixture on low heat until the jaggery melts and combines with the coconut.
    • Add cardamom powder and mix thoroughly. Cook for a few more minutes until the mixture thickens slightly. Turn off the heat and let it cool.

Assembling the modaks:

  1. Shape the modaks:
    • Take a small portion of the dough and roll it into a smooth ball. Flatten it slightly to make a small disc using your fingers or a rolling pin.
    • Place a spoonful of the prepared coconut-jaggery filling in the center of the disc.
    • Gently bring the edges together to form pleats at the top, shaping it into a modak. Pinch and seal the top to secure the filling inside. Repeat this process for the remaining dough and filling.
  2. Steam the modaks:
    • Grease a steamer plate or basket with some ghee/oil to prevent sticking. Place the modaks on the plate, ensuring they are not too close to each other.
    • Steam the modaks in a steamer for about 10-12 minutes on medium heat until they are cooked and the outer covering becomes translucent.
  3. Serve:
    • Once done, remove the modaks from the steamer and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.
    • Offer these delicious Ukadiche Modaks to Lord Ganesha as a prasad or enjoy them as a delightful treat with your family and friends!

These sweet dumplings require a bit of practice in shaping, but once you get the hang of it, they turn out to be absolutely delightful!